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Главная » 2014 » Март » 25 » Языковое портфолио Тыхренова Маша 6 класс
Языковое портфолио Тыхренова Маша 6 класс

Языковое портфолио.

Ученицы  6 «б».

« Гимназии   № 33г.Улан-Удэ»

Тыхреновой Марии.

Choose a book.

    Write about your favourite book for THE BEST READER competition. Copy and complete.

        I like books about fantasy and adventure. They are interesting and fascinating. My favourite book is Harry Potter. It is about a boy whose parents died and he lived with his aunt uncle who hated ego.  He went to Hogwarts to become a great magician. I like it because  reading is breathtaking and it seems that you find yourself there.


                           Favourite books.

       Think about your favourite book and complete the review.

         Title: Harry Potter.

                                                                Writer: JK Rowling.

             This is a book about fantasy and adventure. The main characters are Harry Potter,  Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger. My favourite character is Ron Weasley. He is funny and serious meanwhile.  I like this book because I love adventures.


Сomputer games.

People who write In internet chat rooms often use a special language. Read the letter and translate it into normal English.

         Hi! It was great to hear from you. How are things at school? I’m going to be in London for a week next month. Can we meet? I’d love to see you face to face. Please write back as soon as possible.



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«  Март 2014  »