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Главная » 2014 » Ноябрь » 15 » Токтонова Должин, 7 "В" класс. Научно-исследовательская работа на английском языке "A drop makes sea"
Токтонова Должин, 7 "В" класс. Научно-исследовательская работа на английском языке "A drop makes sea"

. Мы живем на берегу священного озера, славящегося на весь мир чистотой и необыкновенной прозрачностью своих вод. Задача нашего поколения сохранить озеро для потомков. Сохранение водных источников зависит от каждого из нас. Свой посильный вклад в защиту озера Байкал и в защиту водных ресурсов республики пытается внести ученица 7 "в" класса Токтонова Должин, считая что каждая капля воды имеет значение.

Работа была подготовлена для участия в Международном конкурсе XIV Интеллектуальные Игры монголов в г.Улан-Батор, Монголия. Защита и публичная презентация работы на английском языке состоялась на базе  школы -лаборатории  №23 города Улан-Батор, Монголия. Данная работа была отмечена Почетной грамотой, призом и  получила номинацию как "Лучший проект по защите и сохранению окружающей среды на английском языке". Научный руководитель Бальжирова М.В. 

Ministry of science and education of the Russian Federation

Ministry of science and education of the Republic of Buryatia

Education Committee of the city of Ulan-Ude

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Gymnasium №33  

 the city of Ulan-Ude”

XIV Intellectual Games of the Mongols















 Toktonova Dolzgin, 7 th form   student,

”Gymnasium №33 city of Ulan-Ude”

      Scientific advisor English language teacher

 Balzhrova Marina Vasilyevna










Ulan-Ude 2014





 Water is the most widespread substance on Earth and our planet sometimes is called even the planet-Ocean. The most part of  Earth water  (97 %) is the sea, salty water, and reserves of fresh water make only 3%. Thus 75% of fresh water are in the frozen state in glaciers, 24% are underground and only 1 % are ground waters [1]. We don’t have much water on the earth.

Nevertheless scientists consider that in 15-20 years a half of Earth population will suffer from shortage of fresh water. Today more than 1 billion people suffer from water shortage.

In our country we don't have this problem. We live in basin of unique lake

Baikal – UNESCO World Heritage area, which concentrates 80 % of all the fresh water in Russia and 20 % of  world’s fresh water. Baikal is best-known, oldest and deepest lake with purest fresh water and unique endemic animal and plant species. But it is not a secret that often we don't protect water, we pollute rivers and lakes, without thinking about future.

The purpose of the work is to find opportunities for saving of water in our life. To achieve the aim, we have studied usage of water in everyday life, have carried out experiment, and also have questioned pupils.


 Chapter 1. Water as a source of life


Without water life on Earth would be impossible. Bodies of most of living beings consist of water and life starts in water. Water feeds organism with useful substances and removes harmful ones. Water also regulates our body temperature. The person can live about several months without food, and without water – only some days. Loss of 15-20% of water leads to death of a person as blood gets so dense that heart can’t transfer it in the body [2].


 1.2 Usage of water in everyday life

Scientist have calculated that 1 person needs about 220-240  litres of water a day, using running water, drains, bathroom and central heating. The family of  three people can use up to 600 liters of water per day. On slide 3 you can see how water is used in life. Washing up usually requires 10-50 liters of water a day. We use 2-10 liters for washing our hands, and a bath takes 150-180 liters while a shower needs only 30-50 liters [3].

In spite of the fact we often use water incorrectly. Because of the various leaks caused by misusage of the household equipment, we can lose to 20% of water. If we use a mixer tap, it is possible to save to 40% of water [4].




 Chapter 2 As we use water and as we can preserve it

           To show how much water we lose, we made an experiment. It is no secret that many of us don't close the crane during toothbrushing. How much water flows away during this procedure? To answer this question I made experiment and questioned  my classmates. The experiment showed that if we don’t use mixing tap correctly, we can lose from 6 to 10 liters of water a minute depending on pressure.

During interview I asked my schoolmates next questions (slide).

 1. How much time do you spend for toothbrushing a day?

2. Do you close the crane during toothbrushing?

The following results were received. 28 pupils took part in questioning. 18 of them live in well-planned apartments with a water supply system, hot water supply and the drain system. All of them brush teeth twice a day. The average duration of this procedure is one and half  minute. 10 pupils answered that they don't close crane during toothbrushing.

Simple calculations shows that 10 people in 3 minuts pour out 180-300 litres of fresh pure water in the drain system daily.

Another way to lose fresh water in our families is washing dishes. We asked the following question "How do you wash dishes in your family?" and got this answers:

- 8 families use running water;

- 2 families close a sink opening, gather water in a sink and wash the dishes;

- 8 schoolmates don't know how dishes are washed in their families.

Special devices which calculate a water consumption – water meters are installed in apartments of 10 classmates only. These devices make people protect water and to spend it economically.

So, to save water we have to take the following actions:

1. Close the crane during toothbrushing.

2. Correct washing of dishes

3. Take care of mixer taps to let them work without leaks.

4. Install water metres.






In spite of the fact that people can't without water, we use water often incorrectly, we don't protect it, we pollute, without thinking of consequences. Experiment and questioning showed that the wrong usage of the mixer taps during toothbrushing   in one day leads to losses of huge volume of fresh water – 180-300 liters. In a month this volume increases to 9000 liters, and in a year – more than 100000 liters. Imagine how much water we can preserve, only closing the crane during toothbrushing. The main ways of economy are the correct use of the mixer taps, elimination of the various leaks, the and also installation of water metres.

Thus, each person can make the small contribution to economy of water, correctly using it in everyday life.




1. I want to know everything. The big illustrated encyclopedia of intelligence. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Page 62.

2. Big children's encyclopedia. – M.: Makhaon, 2008. – Page 54-55.

3. Lake Baikal Box. A Toolkit for Primary and Middle Grade students

4. Losev A.V., Provadkin G.G. Social ecology. – M.: VLADOS, 1998. – 311 pages.


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«  Ноябрь 2014  »