Использование игры «Dream Game» как один из способов рефлексии и самопознания на уроках английского языка в старших классах.
Игровая деятельность в той или иной форме сопровождает деятельность ученика вне зависимости на какой ступени обучения он находится. Для учителей старших классов будет интересным провести эту игру, в силу того, что именно в старшей школе подростки начинают задаваться вопросами самопознания и самосовершенствования, осознания себя как уникальной личности. Игра будет более интересной, если вы нарисуете и увидите зрительный образы, воплощенные в рисунках Вашего внутреннего «Я». Несмотря на то, что игра и ее интерпретация создана на основе различных психологических тестов из различных источников и представлена преподавателем английского языка Джоном Сильвером, она может дать пищу для размышления для старшеклассников и желания глубже изучать психологию и английский язык.
Guided visualization. Dream Game
This guided visualization will help to interpret the symbolism of our dreams and understand our inner personality/ Try to picture the journey in your in head and then describe what you’ve seen to your group/
The guided Visalization:
- Imagine that you find yourself walking through a forest/ What does the forest look like?
- You are now walking through the forest with someone you know. With whom are you walking?
- You are now alone and walking through the forest. You see animal, what kind of animal is it? What do you do when you see this animal?
- You walk deeper into the forest, enter a clearing and come upon your dream house. What does your house look like? Is your house surrounded by a fence?
- You enter your house and walk to the dining room. What do you see on and around the dining room table?
- You leave your house through the back door, lying on the grass is a cup. What is the cup made of? What are the contents of the cup? What do you do with the cup?
- You walk through the garden and back into the forest. On the forest floor you find a key. What does the key look like?
- You leave the key and continue through the forest and come upon some water. What does the water look like? What do you do when you see the water.
The interpretation:
- The forest represents your social life. If you have many trees, bushes and shrubs then you probably have many friends and acquaintances.
- The person you are walking with is your soul mate or the most important person in your life
- The size of the animal represents how big or small you see your problems. Your interaction with the animal represent how you deal with your problems.
- The house is your idea of yourself. If the house is large, it means that you are confident. If it is light, you are optimistic. The number of rooms is the number of people you want in your life. No fence means an open personality. A fence means a closed personality.
- If you see flowers, people or food, this shows your outlook on the world. You are happy and content with life offerings. A bare table would mean unhappiness.
- The cup is your idea of love. The more beautiful and valuable the cup is, the more important romantic love is in your life. If your cup is not so beautiful and valuable this means that you are not interested in the symbolism of love. You have a more pragmatic approach to this emotion. The contents of the cup show what your experience of love has been so far.
- If the key is shiny and new, this means that you are always looking to the future. If it is old and rusty it means that you prefer to look to the past.
- The water is your idea of the future potential. If there is a sea with big waves, you feel positive and excited about your future. If you want to swim, you feel confident and like to take risks. If the water is a stagnant pool, you might fear for your future and the future of the world.