Инсценировка сказки Чарльза Диккенса " Christmas Carol " является внеклассным мероприятием для учащихся 6 классов. Разработка мероприятия предназначена для учителей английского языка.
Цели мероприятия:
формировать положительную мотивацию учащихся путем развития и демонстрации их творческих умений и талантов
пробудить интерес к книге, к изучению творчества выдающихся представителей англоязычной литературы
систематизировать знания о социокультурной специфике стран изучаемого языка и культурных особенностях носителей языка, их привычках, традициях празднования Рождества
Формирование у учащихся умений осмысливать и интерпретировать литературные произведения англоязычных авторов с учетом их уровня владения языком
Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по теме "Обычаи и традиции англоговорящих стран"
Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений
Воспитание толерантности по отношению к иным языкам и культуре
Систематизация страноведческого материала и расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся
Тип занятия:
Театральная постановка
Учебная группа:
учащиеся 6-го класса.
декорации, костюмы, музыкальное оформление, проектор, экран.
Аct I
Scene 1
(Mr. Scrooge and his nephew in his office)
Nephew: - Good morning, Uncle! Merry Christmas! God save you!
Scrooge: - Humbug! Merry Christmas! You have no right to be merry. You are poor.
Nephew: - I’m poor, but I’m happy, because I’m married to a woman who I love and God gave us wonderful children.
Scrooge: - Love is even sillier than a Merry Christmas.
Nephew: - Uncle, we would like to invite you to have Christmas dinner together with our family.
Scrooge: - I don’t want to hear about it. Christmas is only a lie and an excuse not to work.
Nephew: - But, Uncle, you’ve never been to my house before. That’s not fair.
Scrooge: - Have a nice day!
Nephew: - I don’t need anything from you, I ask you for nothing. We are relatives and the only thing I want to be together on such a special occasion.
Scrooge: - Have a nice day! Merry Christmas and good- bye.
Nephew: - I’m sorry to hear that! But Christmas is the time of forgiveness, love and charity. It’s time when people open their hearts to each other.
Scrooge:- That was a wonderful speech! I wonder, why don’t you work for the government!
Nephew: - As you wish uncle. Blessed be Christmas! Good bye!
(Nephew leaves the room)
Scene 2
( Somebody knocks on the door and a gentleman collecting money for charity comes in)
Gentleman: - Good afternoon, Mr. Scrooge! We are collecting money for poor people. Thousands of people are in need of the simplest things even food and clothes!
Scrooge: - Poor people’s place is in prison and work houses. Go out!
Gentleman: - But, Mr. Scrooge, on Christmas people shouldn’t forget about generosity. It’s a chance for us to think about those miserable who need our help.
Scrooge: - I live in a crazy world with fools! What’s Christmas! A time where you buy presents you can’t afford! I won’t give you a penny! Go away!
Scene 3
Children play in the street, sing “Frosty the Snowman” and dance. (Приложение 1)
Song_Frosty the_Snowman.mp3
Mr Scrooge doesn’t like it and threatens them. The children don’t notice it. He puts on his coat, takes his umbrella and leaves his office.
Act II
Scene 1
( Scrooge is at home in his armchair and falls asleep. Music sounds “The Twelve days of Christmas”. (Приложение 2)
Angels come into the room.
Angle 1: - I think he is dreaming.
Angle 2:- While he is dreaming, let show him why people are happy at Christmas.
Angle 3:- And how they celebrate it.
Scene 2
Presentation (Приложение 3) (Учащиеся рассказывают о традициях празднования Рождества в Великобритании) Some information about Christmas in Britain
Приложение к слайдам презентации
Scene 1
(Scrooge awakes and is really surprised)
Scrooge: - Oh! Dear angles! Thank you very much. I’ve changed! I’ve understood a lot. I will always keep Christmas in my heart. I will always remember the lesson you’ve taught me.
Scene 2
(Somebody knocks at the door. It’s a postman)
Scrooge: Come in, please. How do you do!
Postman:- Mr. Scrooge, here is a card for you. What a busy I’ve had today . So many people want to congratulate their nearest and dearest.
Scrooge:- I’ve got an invitation card from my nephew’s family. It was so kind of them to invite me for Christmas dinner!
Postman:- You are a happy man , Mr. Scrooge, to have relatives who care about you. Merry Christmas to you!
Scene 3
( V. GR. Sing “Christmas Tree”. Children decorate The Christmas Tree) (Приложение 4)
10 Christmas Tree_Трек 10
Child 1:- I enjoy the Christmas season very much!
Child 2:- So do I.
Child 3:- Oh, how beautiful the Christmas tree is.
Nephew: - You’ve decorated it fantastically! I’ve brought you some new toys.
Child 1:- Daddy, will Santa bring us presents?
Nephew: - Only if you are good little children.
Child 2:- And if not?
Mother: - Then he leaves a piece of coal.
Child 3:- And what about us? Have we been good?
Mother: - Yes, you’re all good, kids.
Child 1:- So we can hang our stockings over the fireplace.
( Christmas dinner is on the table)
Mother: - Dear Charles! Dear children! Christmas dinner is on the table! Help yourselves!
Scene 4
(Scrooge leaves the house and heads towards his nephew’s house)
Scrooge:- Here kid, take this money and buy some Christmas sweets.
Boy: - Thank you, sir.
(He reaches his nephew’s house)
Nephew: - Uncle, I’m happy to see you! I’m really glad that you’ve come to celebrate Christmas with us.
Scrooge:- Thank you for inviting me.
Mother: - We’re happy to see you here. You’ve just arrived for turkey.
Scrooge: - Thank you. I have never eaten such delicious meal. God bless us, everyone.
Child 2:- Uncle Ebenezer, we would like to sing you a song.
(Children sing “Jingle bells”) (Приложение5)
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