Сайт учителя английского и французского языков  Бальжировой  Марины Васильевны

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Language portfolio (языковое портфолио)Language passport


In  the Language Portfolio pupils can include almost anything they have produced or collected that proves their progress in English. I  suggest them keep  their  work in plastic envelopes so that it remains in good condition. In practice,  Language Portfolio can be in any shape or size, according to the material  the pupils choose to store. Language Portfolio can include any of the following:

 -video cassettes





-audio cassettes


-school reports

Language Passport

Pupils can record all  their  achievements in the English language.  They  can include certificates, diplomas, progress report cards, self-assessment forms, tests, etc. In general,  they  can include anything that is proof of  their  competence in English.

Every time they add something,  they record it on  their Language Passport Chart.

                          MY LANGUAGE PASSPORT CHART

             Date                                                               Type of Material


I.                  Language Biography

All About Me!

Name:                                                              Date of birth:

Age:                                                              Place of birth: 

I am in my….. year of English

My English teacher`s name:


Read and put a tick or a cross.

Some members of my family speak English.

Some members of my family are from an English-speaking country.

I often read English books, magazines, etc.

I often watch English TV programmers.

I often listen to English songs.

I have extra English lessons.

There is someone at home who speaks English to me.

I have contact with people from English-speaking countries.

I have visited/lived in the following English-speaking countries:

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: marinavasilyevna33 (25.08.2011)
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