Ход урока
The pupils are taking their seats at the desks. There are copies of the song script by Michael Jackson “The Earth Song” in front of them.
The teacher: Top of the morning everyone here present, I mean you, pupils and our highly respected guests. Having nervous jitters? –So am I. You know, at the previous lesson I handed out the script papers of the song “The Earth Song” by Michael Jackson asking you to learn the words
What about sunrise, what about rain
What about all the things that you said we were to gain
What about killing fields, is there a time
What about ail the things that you said was yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice all the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice this crying Earth, these weeping shores?
Текст песни.
What have we done to the world, look what we've done
What about all the peace that you pledge your only son
What about flowering fields, is there a time
What about all the dreams that you said was yours and mine
Did you ever stop to notice all the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice this crying Earth, these weeping shores
I used to dream, I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are although I know we've drifted far
Hey, what about yesterday (what about us)
What about the seas (what about us)
The heavens are falling down (what about us)
I can't even breathe (what about us)
What about Africans (what about us)
I ain't even you (what about us)
What about nature's worth (ooh ooh)
It's our planet's womb (what about us)
What about animals (what about it)
We've turned kingdoms to dust (what about us)
What about elephants (what about us)
Have we lost their trust (what about us)
What about crying whales (what about us)
We're ravaging the seas (what about us)
What about forest trails (ooh ooh) Burnt despite our pleas (what about us)
What about the holy land (what about it)
Torn apart by creed (what about us)
What about the common man (what about us)
Can't we set him free (what about us)
What about children dying (what about us)
Can't you hear them cry (what about us)
Where did we go wrong (ooh ooh)
Someone tell me why (what about us)
What about babies born (what about it)
What about the days (what about us)
What about all their joy (what about us)
What about the man (what about us)
What about the crying man (what about us)
What about Abraham (what about us)
What about death again (ooh ooh)
You don't give a damn
and now we will be privileged to watch the video clip of the song in the question. You are very welcome to pick up the tune.
The teacher: We have just seen the clip and it is not by chance and the reason why we have chosen the topic “Environmental problems” is quite vivid. Why?
Pupil I: Because our planet is on the verge of The Global Ecologic Catastrophy
The teacher: You are absolutely right. What do you think we are on the point of talking about?
Pupil II: Firstly, If you ask me, I suppose we shall have to give the general idea of the ecological situation on our planet
The teacher: Right to the point. What else?
Pupil III: We have to highlight the most dangerous tendencies that have deadly consequences for us.
The teacher: You have got the case. And now let’s brainstorm these dangerous tendencies.
The word web is drawn on the blackboard with 5 notions( Ecological Dangerous tendencies; Water contamination/ air pollution / traffic congestion/ acid rain/ destruction of the ozone layer/missed- Noise pollution/deforestation
The teacher: And now let’s consult the diagram on the screen and compare our answers and see if we have missed anything.
Pupil IV: We have missed two notions Noise pollution and Deforestation
The teacher: do you think these two points are equally important to those we have enumerated?
Pupil IV: Yes! Because noise pollution negatively affects health and well being. Problems related to noise include: Hearing loss/ stress/ high blood pressure/ sleep loss/ destruction and lost productivity and a general reduction in the quality of life.
Pupil V: Deforestation. To be on the safe side, Deforestation alters the amount of water in soil and groundwater and moisture in the atmosphere.
The teacher: well done, thank you very much. I appreciate your answers and what else shall we dwell upon in our final lesson on the topic provided?
Pupil VI: Personally I think that it won’t be an exaggeration to try showing what can be done our planet from the disaster.
What can be done to save our planet?
Pupil VI:
1) It is common knowledge that one should take the unwanted waste to the rubbish bins instead of throwing it away
2) It stands to reason we’ve got to influence big companies by boycotting any products which are harmful to the environment
3) You won’t be surprise at my telling you that it is desirable not to use a car while travelling-use a public transport
4) I don’t think that I will take you aback saying we ‘d better start buying ozone-friendly products 5)And the last but not the least – to make assurance double sure we’d rather stop using metal cans. Start using glass bottles.
The teacher: As you have become aware there are lots of problems but, unfortunately, we are pressed for time to discuss them all but at least about three of them we shall talk – Let’s single them out:
The class in chores: Global warming/Air pollution/Traffic congestion
The three pictures displaying these three problems are on the screen.
Let’s recollect the words and word expressions related to each problem.
(The list of the words enclosed)
After having called the words the same three pictures appear only the words are written under the very picture.
So we have recollected and now the assignment is offered to you for using the words and expressions enlisted and you are about to do the following.
The teacher: The two pictures for comparing appear on the screen. Please, Compare and contrast the pictures. As we exercised this activity in the 10th form the words on the desks will help you to accomplish the task correctly. (3 min)
And the question to you what environment depicted in the two pictures you would like to live in the nearest future.
The pupils: - It goes without saying – in the second of course.
The teacher: and to meet our common wish what measures we shall have to take.
The pupil: As we have already mentioned……
The teacher: And now I suggest that we should be divided into two groups. The task to deal with word formation is given to the 1st group – the task to deal with error correction to the other. You will choose one representative from each group to announce the answers (4 min).
Word formation
There are many problems which
1) (threat) our natural environment. Acid ran
2) (globe) warming and air and water
3) (pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways tohelp improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage
4) (recycle) because it is the
5) (produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must 1 earn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly.
driving an environmentally-friendly car is also
6) (help). Furthermore, joining an
7) (organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be
8) (prove) that you are really
9) (concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many
10) (environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for future generations.
Earth: SOS
Look at the text below. Some of its lines are correct, so put a tick (/) next to them. Some others include an extra word which you must cross out. The first two lines have been done as an example.
0. The Los Angeles is well known for both the high
00. level of its air pollution and the efforts made to control
1. it. However, the "City of Angels" is not neither
2. unique nor the worst one example of a polluted
3. city. Tokyo has such a serious air pollution
4. problem that oxygen masks are been supplied to
5. policemen who they direct traffic on busy roads. Milan,
6. Ankara, Mexico City and Buenos Aires face
7. their similar problems. The task of cleaning up
8. air pollution, though yet difficult, is not
9. impossible. Use of fuels that are low in
10. pollutants and a change to very less polluting
11. forms of power generation are methods
12. currently being in used. The example
13. of London, as well as to other cities,
14. has shown that major improvements in
15. air quality can be achieved in ten of years or less.
The teacher: Will you tell me what we have learnt after having read the texts and done the assignment
The pupil I – no more than three sentences
The pupil II– no more than three sentences
The teacher: WE have discussed the problem AIR POLLUTION and now have a look at the picture I am holding. (The picture depicting The GLOBAL WARMING)What can you see in it?
The Pupil: A polar bear is sun burning in the sun and the penguin as if a waiter is serving him cold beverages- it is quite unnatural for animals living in The Arctic
The teacher: You have guessed what we are going to talk about now! Yes, Global Warming!
Before our reading the article concerning the problem – Please, look at the diagrams – You probably have discussed the problem of Global Warming at your Physics and Biology lessons and now come up to the screen and tell us what you know about the phenomena.
The teacher And to know more about the problem we shall be reading-scanning the article-5 min are given/ so get down to business The text of the article is on your desks.
And the assignment: Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A – G the one which best fits each gap 1 -6. There is one extra sentence you don’t need to use. (смотри текст ниже)
- Until recently all of this was adsorbed by trees and plants which converted it back into oxygen.
- So the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing all the time
- Some areas may actually benefit: the higher temperatures may allow a longer growing season for example.
- At the time his predictions were regarded as science fiction
- But it certainly looks as if in inhabitants on this planet will have to get used to living in the warmer world
- Consequently, the temperature rises
- Surprisingly, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has continued to fall
Answer Key (Error correction):
- Not
- One
- V
- Been
- They
- V
- Their
- Yet
- V
- Very
- V
- In
- To
- V
- Of
The teacher: We have worked too much and it won’t be an exaggeration if we stretch our muscles. Please, excuse my asking, if it is not much trouble for you, stand up – on the screen as well on the wall you can see An American National Poem-so, while doing the warm up read aloud what it runs about (2 min).
The teacher: We have discussed the second issue and now the last but not the least – Traffic congestion and to understand the problem we are about to listen to the recording – You will hear a radio programme discussing some new research into the environmental effects of cycling compared to driving. For question 1-7 write Y (YES) next to opinions which are expressed by any of the speakers and N (NO) next to opinions which are not expressed at all
- The findings of the research are unexpected
- In some circumstances, driving is more environment-friendly then cycling
- The research was biased
- The findings are inaccurate
- Breathing problems are made worse by car fumes
- People should not use cars for short journeys
- Car sharing is not popular at present
Answer Key:
1 Y
2 Y
3 Y
4 N
5 Y
6 N (Not mentioned)
7 Y
The teacher: We have seen the clip of The Earth Song and I suggest our making a motto of it for our lesson – let’s hold hands and once again see the clip and catch the tune to let people realize what is being done to our planet and what demolitions are being caused.
While singing the teacher evaluates the pupils’ activities at the lesson by saying: I’d like to appraise the activity at work…..and more the working creativity at the lesson…
As long ago as the 1960s
Professor Bert Bolin predicted that the 'global warming', caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide (C02) in the atmosphere, would lead to significant changes in the Earth's climate.
1. But most experts now agree that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will double from 0.03% to 0.06% in the next 50 years and that temperatures worldwide will rise by 2° Celsius.
Although a temperature rise of 2° may not seem significant, the local effects may be much greater: by 2025 a rise of 10° is possible in polar regions and 4° in Northern Europe. Indeed the first effects will be felt by the end of the century-perhaps they are already being felt...
But how does the Greenhouse Effect operate and why should such a tiny proportion of C02 have such a harmful effect?
When living creatures breathe out and when things are burned, C02 enters the atmosphere.
2. But the balance of nature has been disturbed. In power stations, in factories and in cars, we are burning more and more fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). 1 8 billion tons of C02 enter the atmosphere every year. And the destruction of forests means that there are fewer trees to convert the C02 into oxygen.
3. As sunlight enters the atmosphere, the surface of the earth is warmed. Some of this heat escapes back into space, but the rest is trapped by C02, which acts rather like the glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunshine and heat to pass in but not out again.
4. As the temperature rises, the amount of water vapour in the air will increase and this too will absorb more of the Earth's heat. The oceans too will become warmer and store more heat, so that they increase the warming effect.
According to some scientists, the polar icecaps will start to melt and the oceans will expand as more snow and ice melts. Because the exposed ground, formerly covered in snow, won't reflect the heat so well it will absorb more sunlight and this will lead to even more snow melting.
Scientists predict that the level of the sea will have risen by 1/2 to 11/2metres by 2050. This will affect many low-lying areas of the world - millions of people today live less than one metre above sea level.
5. For Northern Europeans, the extra warmth may be welcome - but there is also likely to be increased rainfall.
But many areas may suffer: the southern states of the USA can expect hotter summers and less rainfall, leading to worse conditions for agriculture, and the Mediterranean region may well be much drier and hotter than now.
Many experts believe that the Greenhouse Effect will bring significant changes to the Earth's climate, though they don't all agree how long this will take, or what form it will take.
6. And the assignment: Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which best fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra sentence you don’t need to use.
- Until recently all of this was adsorbed by trees and plants which converted it back into oxygen.
- So the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing all the time
- Some areas may actually benefit: the higher temperatures may allow a longer growing season for example.
- At the time his predictions were regarded as science fiction
- But it certainly looks as if in inhabitants on this planet will have to get used to living in the warmer world
- Consequently, the temperature rises
- Surprisingly, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has continued t