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Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 08

Языковое портфолио ученицы  6 б класса Шоноевой Алтаны

Unit 1

I had a birthday picnic. I had a birthday with friends at my girlfriend  who had a dog, M y friend gave me on my day of birth  a  beautiful cake and  a lot of sweets.  I met  my  girlfriend’s dog, It  took a  cake  into its mouth and  ran  away. I cried, but my girlfriend calmed me. After ten minutes the dog came back dirty but  it  ate all my  cake. We all laughed  at it

Unit 2

.  Title: «The adventures of Huckleberry Finn»

Writer: Mark Twain

This is a book about a boy who loves adventures. The main character is Huck Finn. My favourite characters are Huck and Jim they have a lot of adventures. I like this  book because I like books about adventures. I recommend this book to people ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 862 | Добавил: marinavasilyevna33 | Дата: 08.04.2014

«  Апрель 2014  »