Монголию и Россию связывают давние дружеские отношения. Наши земляки внесли значительный вклад в развитие и становление отношений между двумя государствами. Прадед ученицы 8 "А" класса Арины Цагановой Гармажап Дычинович Очиров был адъютантом у вождя Монгольской революции Сухэ-Батора. Данная работа была подготовлена для участия в международном конкурсе XIV Интеллектуальных Играх монголов в городе Улан-Батор, Монголия. Научно-исследовательская работа была отмечена Почетной грамотой, призом и получила номинацию "Лучший научно-исследовательский проект на английском языке"( научный руководитель Бальжирова М.В)
Ministry of science and education of
the Russian Federation
Ministry of science and education of the Republic of Buryatia
Education Committee of the city of Ulan-Ude
Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Gymnasium№33 the city of Ulan-Ude”
XIV Intellectual Games of the Mongols
Adjutant of Sukhbaator
Tsaganova Arina, 8 th form student,
”Gymnasium№33 city of Ulan-Ude”
Scientific advisor English language teacher
Balzhirova Marina Vasilyevna
Ulan-Ude 2014
The bilateral relations betweenMongolia and the Russian Federation have been
traditionally strong since the Communist era, when the was the closest ally of the Mongolian People's Republic.
When Chinese forces attacked Mongolia in 1919 to negate its independence from China, the Soviet Red Army helped Mongolia ward off the invasion. The Mongolian People's Republic was established in 1921 with Soviet influence. My grandfather Garmazhap Ochirov made a significant contribution to the development of Mongolian Russian relationship and friendship. Now it is very important to keep memory of those who helped in the formation of the new state.
Research objective:
to study the biography of my grandfather Garmazhap Ochirov
to arrange the materials for the next generations of our family
Research problems
to study the materials about my grandfather Garmazhap Ochirov
to find and organize photos reflecting the different stages of his life
to record the memories of his children
to summarize and systematize the material
to prepare the presentation materials
The subject of investigation: family archive materials, documents, photos
Subject of inquiry: the biography of the grandfather Garmazhap Ochirov
Methods of investigation:
Conversations with relatives
Working with family archive (photos, documents)
analysis of the information
The practical significance of the work :
This work shows the battle paths and career of my grandfather it can be used for completion of the Ochirovs and the Tsaganovs family archive.
Adjutant of Sukhbaatar.
The Khataginov kind of the Ochirovs family came from Mongolia.In the middle of the 16 century they moved to the Ichetui valley. In the early 17th century by the Imperial decree in the composition of the Cossack troops they were defined on the protection of the Russian-Chinese border in the area Baglaha, Khaisack on Ulekchin land of Zakamna. The part of the representatives of an ancient family settled in Ulekchin, and some others returned home in Dzidinskii steppes.
Garmazhap Ochirov was born in 1893 in the village of Ulekchin Zakamensky area. Garmazhap stood out greatly and was distinguished for great power, remarkable strength, agility and courage among his peers, he fearlessly rode horses, shot straight from a gun and a bow, was fond of the national wrestling. After graduated from Cossack regimental school in Atamano-Nikolayevskaya stanitsa (now the village Haratsai, Zakamensky district) he was called up for Cossack service to protect the state borders. Later as an excellent student of military and physical training courses he was sent to the city of Troitskosavsk (now the city of Kyakhta) as an instructor for the new soldiers’ training . Later, he was demobilized and came back home to the village of Ulekchin. There he got married to Shagdurova Dulmazhap. She gave the birth to two his daughters: the first daughter Padmazhab was born in 1920, the younger one Tsype in January, 1921. Despite the family difficulties with the advent of the Civil war in Trasbaikalye Garmazhap Dychinovitch was again joined the army.
During the Civil war Garmazhap Dychinovitch participated in the liberation of Verkhneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude and Chita) and as the commander of a squadron of the 5th Red Army fought in the Far East. He was among the liberators of Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk.
At that time our government actively helped the Mongolian revolutionaries in establishing people's power. Garmazhap Dychinovitch contributed a lot. By order of the staff chief of the armed forces of the Far Eastern Republic on 21 April, 1921 he was sent as an instructor in Mongolia, where he taught Arats shooting from rifles, machine guns and cannons, Throwing grenades, helped to improve mastery of the sword. This life stage was written in the book of the Kyakhta Museum director R. F. Mogutov :"They met with Sukhe Bator" published in Buryat Book Publishing House in 1967.
The following extract from this book describes the meeting of Ochirov Garmazhap with Sukhe Bator. Here is a flashback told in his own words:"I will never forget the first time I came to the headquarters of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army and met with Sukhbaator. I seemed to see it again. A man of medium height, broad-shouldered, with dark face came out from behind the Desk and greeted me in Russian. I had to go with Sukhbaator to the border troops, conducted outreach among the population, to send people to the exploration. Best of all I spoke Mongolian language, because I was from Songol kind, so Sukhbaatar often called me. “Ochoroeev, take the horse, come with me". And often at a dawn I saw two cavalry riding horses: one on the buckskin horse, and the second one on the bay horse. A person, riding in front me was in the silk degal, over which he wore a red-brown vest, a cap on the head with the trim on the top, a sword hanging to the left leg, and Mauser on the right one. He stared into the distance. Going back, I remembered myself in a black hat, leather jacket, with weapons and sword too. The front horse rider was Sukhbaatar, the second one was me .“
For remarkable courage in the battles for the liberation the city of Urga (now Ulan Bator) from the Whites of Baron Ungern Garmazhap Ochirov was awarded Sukhbaator’s personal weapons and thank-you letter.
In April 1922 he returned home, but because of illness and severe marital status (little children) Garmazhap had to finish a military service.
The Ochirovs had 4 horses, 6 cows, 30 sheep and was considered a wealthy family. He built a wooden house, which was a rarity at that time. During collectivization, he had to join the commune and send back the cattle and the house.
In the early thirties his family moved to the village of Tsakir Zakamensk area anda former adjutant began working as the Chairman of the collective farm.
In the fifties he returned to his native village of Ulekchin, where he worked as a Chairman and later he retired on pension. He was a public person: he participated in the public life of the village, in education of the younger generation, spoke to fellow countrymen.
In 1967, the youth movements in Russia and Mongolia held a large-scale campaign "to places of military glory of the fathers", which ended with a Grand festival in the city of Sukhbaator, where he was invited as an honored guest .
In the same year for military merit he was awarded the order of the Red Star.
In 1971 Garmazhap Ochirov was also the guest of honor in the days of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the popular revolution in Mongolia and was awarded the medal "Nairamdal". He was awarded 2 medals of the Mongolian People's Revolution.
Garmazhap Dychinovitch had a good health, athletic build, lived to a ripe old age. He brought up good daughters, helped the grandchildren.
Garmazhap Ochirov died 26 April 1974, at the age of 83 years, buried in the village of Ulekchin, Zakamensk area.
The eldest daughter Padmazhap was an elementary school teacher, she gave birth to and brought five children (Dugarzhab, Albina, Anatoly, Tatiana, Victor).
Dugarzhab and Victor continued the tradition of his grandfather, worked for the Committee for State Security. They retired in the rank of colonels.
My grandfather Tsaganov Anatoly Mikhailovich is an honored worker of physical culture of Russia and Mongolia, the honored worker of culture of the Republic of Buryatia. He made a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Buryatia, in the strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding between Buryatia and Mongolia. He has many friends in Selenginsky aimag and Ulaanbaatar.
Reading and analyzing documents and other materials helped me to understand better the history of my ancestors, the past of my country and learn more about the history of Mongolia. I am proud that my grandfather was an adjutant of one of the most outstanding leader in the world Sukhbaator and helped Mongolian people to defend their country and establish a new state.
- Анатолий Цаганов. Личность общественно-публицистический журнал Медиа группа «Байкал –пресс», №2(26) июнь 2011.
- Могутов З.Ф. Они встречались с Сухэ-Батором. Улан-Удэ, Бурятское книжное издательство, 1967
3. Тугутов И Время зрелости. Газета «Молодежь Бурятии» 0т 1 февраля 1983