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Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 6 » Языковое портфолио Доржиевой Сарюны 6 класс
Языковое портфолио Доржиевой Сарюны 6 класс

Language portfolio

Name:        Saryuna

Surnname:    Dorzhieva

School:       gymnasium№ 33

Home place: Ulan-Ude

Form           6”B”  

Age:           12 years old                                                             

I am in my 6 year of English

 My English Language teacher’s name Masrina Vasilyevna Balzhirova

Choose a book

Write about your favourite book for The Best Reader competition. Copy and complete.

I like books about adventure. They are interesting and exciting. My favourite book is «Treasure Island». It is about sea adventures, pirates and treasure. I like it because it is really interesting.

Favourite books

Think about your favourite book and complete the review.

Title: Treasure Island

Writer: Robert Louis Stevenson

This is a book about sea adventures, pirates and treasure. The main characters  are Jim Hawkins and Captain Smollett. My favourite character is Jim Hawkins. I like this book because it is really interesting. I recommend this book to people who like real adventures and stories about pirates.

 New year

Write a letter to Emma about your New Year traditions.

28 ,Kirov Street



7 March 2014


Dear Emma,

It was nice to get a letter from you. Thank you for your story about your Christmas traditions. You asked me to tell you about our New Year traditions.

Well, we like New Year very much. A lot of people go there to have fun, sing songs, dance and play games near the New Year tree at night and in the daytime. You can meet Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka there.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,



Language biography (Language portfolio)

II. Language Biography

                                      How I Learn!

Think about the easiest ways for you to learn something new. Read the sentences below and choose. You can choose more than one.

1 I understand words/sentences better if I

A listen to them on cassette/CD +

B listen  to my teacher saying them.

C see them written.

D see, listen and do something with them.
E   other

2 I learn words/phrases better if I

A listen to them on  cassette/CD

B listen to my classmates saying them

C read them

D write them

F act them out, sing them, etc.

G they are part of a video/DVD, etc.

H other

I can express myself best if I

A already know all the words I need to use.

B know some of the words I need to use.

C use mime objects and pictures to help me.

D already has some life experience on the subjects +

E other                                                                          

I learn best if I work

A on my own +

B in pairs

C in groups/teams +

D other

5. I am more eager to learn if

A  I know why I`m doing an activity. +

B I know an activity will help me.

C I am rewarded.

D an activity will help me to find out more about the things I like. +

E other

6. I understand grammar rules better if

A they are explained to me in my mother tongue.

B I compare them with my mother tongue.+

C I get them from a text by exploring it.

D other                                                    


II.Language Biography

                                      My World of English!

Make a note of what you do in English.

                               The stories I know in English


                            The songs I can sing in English


         The videos/DVD/cartoons I’ve watched in English




                                                                          II. Language Biography

                                               Now I can…!

Here is what you will be able to do in English at this level. Every now and then, for instance once a month, you will need to check your progress in the English language. For this reason, you should use a pencil so that you can change and/ or add things as you go along. You can use the following code:


                   I can…

·        Understand and follow orders and instructions.

·        connect what I hear to a picture, object, etc.

·        understand a simple dialogue about a topic I know.

·        understand songs and chants and accompany them with mime and gestures.

·        understand simple descriptions of people, places or activities.

·        understand simple questions about me and my experience.

·        understand simple-illustrated stories, fairy tales, etc.

·        understand other people when they speak slowly and clearly.

·        understand a simple video about a topic I know.




     I can…

-connect words to   pictures                                                                                         

-choose words from a list to complete dialogues, text, ect.                                           

-understand simple-illustrated stories, fairy tales, ect.                    

-understand and follow simple instructions.                                        

-understand simple text about other cultures.                                 

-understand simple words and sentences to play a game.                 

-find informations from a simple text about a topic I know.

-understand simple sentences, short paragraphs, ect.

-understand simple-written messages, notices, posters, ect


      I can…

Copy words/sentences without making mistakes.

Write basic word/sentences said by my teacher or classmates.

Organise information into sentences or simple paragraphs.

Write short, simple sentences and paragraphs about topics I know.





          I can…

Give simple informations

(e.g. the time, the position of an objects, ect).

Give simple informations about myself


(e.g. name, age, nationality,  job, ect).

·        Give simple descriptions

(e.g. directions, daily routine, free-time activities, ect).

·        Talk about what I can see in a picture.

·        Sing a song or a chant.

·        Ask and answer simple questions in Englesh.

·        Take part in a conversation about a topic I know.

·        Buy things.

·        Express my tastes and preferences.




Language Passport

Pupils can record all  their  achievements in the English language. They  can include certificates, diplomas, progress report cards, self-assessment forms, tests, etc. In general,  they  can include anything that is proof of  their  competence in English.

Every time they add something,  they record it on  their Language Passport Chart.


I.  Language Biography

All About Me!


I am in my….. year of English

Read and put a tick or a cross.


Some members of my family speak English. +

Some members of my family are from an English-speaking country.

I often read English books, magazines, etc. +

I often watch English TV programmers. +

I often listen to English songs.+

I have extra English lessons.+

There is someone at home who speaks English to me.

I have contact with people from English-speaking countries.

I have visited/lived in the following English-speaking cоuntries



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«  Апрель 2014  »